Jackson Pollock’s painting – copyright: Flowcomm

Abstract Expressionism

Abstract expressionism is a modern art movement that emerged in the 1940s and 1950s. It is characterized by the use of abstract forms and shapes to express emotion and ideas. The movement is often associated with the works of Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, Mark Rothko, and other artists who sought to break away from traditional representational art. Abstract expressionism has had a lasting impact on the art world and continues to influence contemporary art today.

History of Abstract Expressionism

Abstract expressionism began in the 1940s in New York City. It was a reaction to the more traditional forms of art that had been popular in the early 20th century. Artists such as Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, and Mark Rothko sought to create works that were more expressive and emotive than the representational art of the time. They used abstract forms and shapes to convey their ideas and emotions.

The movement gained popularity in the 1950s and was embraced by the art world. It was seen as a radical departure from traditional art and was embraced by many as a way to express their feelings and ideas. Abstract expressionism was also seen as a way to challenge the status quo and push the boundaries of art.

Characteristics of Abstract Expressionism

Abstract expressionism is characterized by the use of abstract forms and shapes to express emotion and ideas. The works are often large and bold, with bright colors and dynamic brushstrokes. The works are often seen as chaotic and chaotic, but they are also highly expressive and emotive.

The works often lack a clear narrative or structure, instead relying on the artist’s emotions and ideas to convey meaning. The works are often seen as a reflection of the artist’s inner thoughts and feelings.

Influence of Abstract Expressionism

Abstract expressionism has had a lasting impact on the art world. It has influenced many contemporary artists, who have embraced the movement’s expressive and emotive qualities. Many contemporary artists have also embraced the movement’s rejection of traditional representational art.

Abstract expressionism has also had an impact on popular culture. Many of the works of the movement have become iconic images, and the movement has been embraced by many as a way to express their feelings and ideas.


Abstract expressionism is a modern art movement that emerged in the 1940s and 1950s. It is characterized by the use of abstract forms and shapes to express emotion and ideas. The movement has had a lasting impact on the art world and continues to influence contemporary art today. Abstract expressionism has also had an impact on popular culture, with many of the works of the movement becoming iconic images.

Willem de Kooning’s painting – copyright: Ken Lund
Jackson Pollock’s painting in MoMa – copyright: Sergio Calleja